Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well I didn't really notice but it has been a little while since my last update. My excuse is that we had too many visitors here. First their was a team of 15 youth from the U.K who came for 10 days. I didn't have much to do with them but I did run into them when they were helping out at the ministries that I am apart of. Like IT Tender Ministries and our Church's children outreach. Then about half way through their stay John's friend Mike came for a week and Kara (my girlfriend) came for 2 weeks. So Kara helped at the ministries with me and I showed her around and city and a little bit of the culture. We also got to spend some time at the beach which was really nice. Then shortly after she left Andy and Mary a couple from Colorado who worked with the YM team 2 years came for a week visit. I actually stayed with them during my 6 week trip here in 2008 so it was really great to reconnect with them.

A few things that we need your prayers for here are for relationship and a way to reach out to the people who are in need and searching for a place to belong. With both the Night Life at IT Tender Ministries and our youth ministry at the Church have really gone down in number. For different reasons though.

For Night life some has to do with the youth hanging out in a different areas so the center is too far for them to come to. Another reason is that they have been told to scavenge for plastic and metal to sell to scrap yards by their parents so they don't have time to come for a free meal and shower. Others aren't allowed to walk the streets at night so their parents don't let them come. Still others can't be bothered because they are too busy sniffing solvent. So we have (mostly Gabby, a worker and friend here at IT Tender) been visiting some of the places they live, which are very horrible living situations, to see what times would work best them. We, especially Gabby, are trying to build better relationships to find ways we can help them best. I ask for prayers of wisdom, knowledge and strength for the IT Tender Team as they are working on this. The Night Life might be change to the afternoon to best fit the schedules of the people we are serving.

Another way you can get involved with IT Tender is through sponsoring a child. They have just started a program in Sucat (the community they are serving) to help kids go to school, and to have a proper diet. It is only $20 a month. If you want to know more please get in contact with me.

For the youth outreach at our Church I feel they just don't want to or just can't be bothered to walk to the church building for an event. So we are feeling we need to go back into the community (streets) to start building better relationships again. So I ask for prayers in wisdom and knowledge about how to do this best. Also prayers for relationship to be built and people lives to be changed and brought to Jesus. We always have to remember that it is not us or the programs we are leading these people to, but Jesus, who is our everything.

Thank you all again for the prayers and support. May God Bless you all richly.


1 comment:

  1. i'm sorry that your numbers are dwindling, that must be frustrating because you were doing really well!!
    maybe hitting the streets is a good idea. whenever i wander around my neighbourhood i always find an opportunity to talk to someone, even if its for a short time. i think there is great value in meeting someone where they are, literally. There is something really honest about seeing someone in the street and talking ot them there as opposed to them coming to you.
    I will ppray for your creative brain to think of some ways to start incorporating those kids again, because im sure that your ministry is amazing.
    Thinking of you my friend!
