Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Sorry it has been a little while since my last entry.

On September 11th John Coffey, the guy that I live with celebrated his 26th Birthday at McDonald's. It was really great because he brought 50 kids from our children ministry to party it up with him. So needless to say it was pretty wild. McDonald's ran some games and had prizes and gifts that they gave out which was really awesome. The meal was spaghetti and fries with a sundae for dessert.

This past Saturday, the 25th we had a graduation for the end of a feeding program that IT Tender has been running for the past 6 months. They held a small program with special numbers, a small message, and some fun and games. Also every child that was involved got a certificate for participating in the feeding program. As for the food, it was celebration so we of course served spaghetti, Filipinos love having spaghetti at parties.

In between there somewhere I got conjunctivitis, also called 'sore eyes' (similar to pink eye) and I was out of commission from the ministries for 4 days. So that really sucked but I'm good now so upward and onward.

A friend of mine, Megan Enns, arrived here in the Philippines on Sept 13 but she is down in Davao City which is in the south of the country. She is here working with Mennonite Church Canada and I have the opportunity to go visit her and see what kind of ministries she is involved with there, in which I am excited about. I will be down there from Oct 7-20.

God Bless you all,



  1. Spaghetti at McDonalds?! yikes, that is too much too handle
    also I wish i had 50 friends to come to my bday party! (i only had 3!!)
    Congratulations on the end of that program! It must have been cool to see it from start to finish!
    and MEgan is there? that is awesome! is she there for a while? you can be phillipine friends!
    anyways have a good visit!

  2. yay for visits with megan and for parties that sound like a good time.
    i am sorry to hear about your sucky eye condition though, i hope it doesn't come back!
    love you buddy.
