Monday, July 26, 2010


About 2 weeks ago we had our first Typhoon of the Typhoon season here in the Philippines. The season runs till about October. The Typhoon was miscalculated and no one was ready for it. It was suppose to hit north of Metro Manila and miss the city altogether but it ran right through the city. It was also suppose to be a level one but it was a level 3. Due to the miscalculations the President got real angry and yelled at the weather people through the media. The Typhoon was somewhat destructive. It took down some billboards, trees, some tin roofs and even a crane came down. There were about 27 death and we were without power for almost 24 hours and for some it was longer. But in a day everything was back to normal.

One big thing that I have been noticing lately has been that many of the workers and missionary here are in need of support. They work so hard, as hard or harder than I have seen anyway and it is for very little finical help. They will get a great reward from God later but that doesn't mean they have to suffer here and now. Most of them have families to support and they need and deserve much more than they receive. So I am asking if anyone one of you have any spare income to share with these so deserving. 50 dollars a month (or less) would make a huge impact for these missionaries here so they can take care of themselves, so in turn they can take care of their ministries. Some also want/need to go to school and that runs for about 500-600 hundred dollars for a semester if you would be interested in supporting that. Also they all have facebook and e-mail so they can keep you informed and updated on their lives and ministries.

This coming weekend I am going on a small missions trip to a small town about 3 hours away. We will be doing repair work on the church and will be doing some children and youth programs. Pray for safety as we are out of the city. Also on Monday Kara (a very special friend) will be visiting me for 2 weeks which I'm excited about. I will be showing her the ministries that I am involved with but also going to be taking some vacation time.

Thanks again for all of your prayers. May God Bless all of you.

Jared Peter Redekop

1 comment:

  1. a typhoon! all these horrible things with water lately (pakistan etc)

    The missionaries I have known have truly been some of the hardest working people I know, if only money was dished out on a hardworking scale. what amazing beautiful people to work so hard for so little.

    I'm glad your time with Kara was great!

    Post something soon my friend! i like hearing your updates

    You can see a little bit the ways you have been changed just through the diferent wording in yuor blogs sometimes, it is really cool to see
