Sunday, April 25, 2010

Summer Continued

Our Church just held it's first DVBS ever and I feel it went really well. It was the same as the one we ran up in Kanawan, so it ran a little smoother this time. We did it in 3 days again by having it in the afternoon as well. We had about 35 kids and I was helping with the older group again, 10-13 year olds. Also another thing that is real encouraging about our Church is that last Friday we had 9 people that got baptized. Give God all the Glory. We also had a movie youth night last Saturday in which we watched Stardust which about 20 youth came out which is really good to see.

Night life's attendance has has been down for the last few weeks but this past Tuesday there were about 25 people and they were mostly young youth which was so good to see. Not that there are a lot of people in need but that these are the ages they are wanting to reach out to and that they feel comfortable coming to the drop-in center. I really love spending time with those kids.

Tomorrow I am visiting some Friends in Thailand for over 2 weeks so I ask for your prayers for safety. Once again thank you all for all the prayers, encouragement, and support. Take care and God Bless.

Jared Peter

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE the movie stardust! so romantic!! also are you visiting the dookhies? that would be exciting!! i will pray for safe travels for you my friend! miss you!
