Sunday, March 14, 2010

Concerts and Camp

Some one was asking me about my schedule so i thought i would share it with you. This is how my week is suppose to go but usually never doesn't because something always comes up.

Sunday - Teach Sunday School at JKK then at 5 go to Church Of God Makati for an English Church Service

Monday - suppose to be my day off but never is. I meet with my mentor (man I met at COG) in the afternoon and then have a prayer meeting with some of my friends.

Tuesday - We have a Church meeting early afternoon then I go to Tender Ministries for Night Life. Where it's a drop in center for the homeless and they give them time to take a shower and give them a meal (twice a week). Also try and help them in anyway they can. They are mostly teens but they ages range from infants to 50

Wednesday - YM Team meeting in the morning and then Tagalog School in the afternoon.

Thursday - I go down to Tender Ministries a little earlier because we go to a squatter community and give a bible lesson and some food to the kids. They call it community based ministry. Then we go back to the drop-in center and have Night Life again.

Friday - I have Tagalog School in the afternoon and then we have JKK prayer meeting in the evening

Saturday - We have a kids ministry in the morning at our Church where we have a bible lesson,
some games and a meal for the kids. Then we have youth (JKK) in the evening.

On the 28th of February our Church put on a youth evangelism concert on the roof top of our building. It went really well, after the hour an a half delay before starting. Our friends from another Church (LJBC) helped out by sharing there musical talents. We had about 5 acts and then an open mic at the end but for some they didn't let share a song. Our team leader from YM shared a message as well and I felt that is went really well and everyone had a great time.

Then on the 6th I took about 20 of our youth to a concert. It was Rommel Guevara who works for International Teams and go all over the world doing concerts. We are lucky enough that he is Filipino so we can see him oven then others because he is amazing man and a lot of fun. Oh and of course is a great musician and singer. His wife also preforms with him and is a daughter who I think is 6 went on stage for a few songs and made her ax wail. So the concert was really good and everyone had a lot of fun.

This past week from the 9 - 11 we took 18 youth from Tender Ministries to Rizal Re-Creation camp. It's about 2 hours outside the city which was awesome because I love getting outside the city. The Camp is absolutely beautiful. It has a pool, beach volley ball, basketball courts, and an open field with actual grass. The camp is run by an American so the meals definitely had some western feel to it which was great. Although they had rice at every meal I never took it and the kids were very confused. It was buffet style and other then the 2 youth that had been there before I doubt ever had a buffet meal in their life so they just went to town. Although the first meal many of their eyes were bigger then their stomachs. The youth (12-18 years old) that came are either from Night Life ministry or from the Community based ministry. The program was very well put together and everything ran smoothly. The kids were surprisingly well behaved and participated in everything that was planned. Some testimonies were shared by the kids at the end and they were very powerful. They were all so grateful for the kind of experience and loved all the teachings that were shared because they learned new things about God. One girl said that she had to beg her father to let her come because her father feels that the Tender Ministries group is a bad group to hangout with. Also you can see the desire in her to change from her old ways so we are praying that she does. I would love your prayers for these kids, in that they can keep the fire in their hearts going and not let the world snuff it out.....Also they are planning a kids camp (5-12 years old) at the same place and are asking for prayers and finical support. So I ask for your help in this.

Once again thank you so much for all the love and support you have shown me. May God shine his face upon you and be gracious to you and grant you peace. Take Care and God Bless

Jared Peter


  1. Since your blog references boxing. I thought I'd give a shout out to Pacquio for his defeat of Clotty. I also read he's campaigning for congress.
    Hope everything is going well

  2. yeah it was a thwarting i heard, i didn't get to see it and yes he is going for congress. i'm assuming he will win because he is THE national hero right now...things are alright thanks. how are you and Alison

  3. Jared!
    Testimonies from the kids themselves must have been so encouraging! Thanks for sharing. Did they translate or has your tagalog begun to kick butt?

  4. It mostly definitely was. Unfortunately Pastor John had to translate but my tagalog is getting better even though i feel it kicking my butt at times

  5. Hi Jared,
    I'd say hi in Tagalog but.... the only word I know is Tagalog. The camp sounded like a breath of fresh air for the kids and for you. Hopefully, the kids camp will become a reality. Meanwhile, we are thankful that the kids have you there - and pray for them and you. Back in Toronto, not much new - Leafs aren't winning much, and Raptors might not make the playoffs. Take care, Mar, Jim and Alex

  6. hello my dear friend Jared, sorry I have been slow to catch up on blog posts
    Nice schedule! 2 days of tagalog! so here is a quiz
    first you must translate what I am saying:
    Magandang umaga
    Kumusta ka?
    Ako po si Kate
    Kumain ka na ba?

    Secondly, you must answer them
    thirdly you must translate your answers so I know if you are right or not! hahaah
    Also sounds like you are missing some pancakes! I would make you some if you were here! anyways seems like your life is busy but good! i really miss you! but am really happy your life is going good over there!

    ps I have never even been to a rooftop concert!!! sounds sweeet!
