Monday, February 1, 2010


So the other week I took the youth to a park. It's not the biggest park or really the nicest but you have to take what you are given when you live in a concrete jungle. It is mostly a park for runners but we came to play and that didn't sit well with some people. About 10 mins of being there playing with our soccer and volley balls a guard came by and told us that we are not allowed to play with balls in the park. So we stopped for about 5 mins and then said to myself wasn't my old e-mail address the rebel_14 so I told the kids to just play with the balls anyway, so we did. The guard never came back until we were sharing the Word. So he stayed around for a little and listened, then just walked off without talking to us again.

Last monday some of us were able to go to an orphanage outside the city called Christian Grace Fellowship, which is celebrating it's 40th anniversary this year. It is quite the amazing place, it is still run by the founder who is tiny 78 year old single women with a heart of Gold. The Orphanage has 70 kids at a time from 4-17 right now there are only 13 boys, a little unbalanced. Though it started as an orphanage the women started a school and a Church in which the surrounding community is apart of now too. All the helpers of the orphanage and the teachers at the school are all products of the orphanage. It was an amazing place to see and a great encouragement. It even has a small farm area to help with their needs. More about the founder, when we got there she was really sorry for keeping us waiting (which was only about 5-10 mins) because she was planting eggplant. She is 78 years old!

Yesterday we got a chance go to a different school once again outside the city. This one was started by an American women 20 years ago and her passion was to educate the less fortunate but now has turn into something so much more. There are about 150 children in the school ranging from 4-17 but they also have about 40 staff members who live there too. This orphanage/school is a little different because they are totally self sufficient. They have their own farm and provide all their own food and then sell their extra produce for extra funds. Also all the worker and teachers are volunteers, they just get free room and board. So they have no expenses but live but faith for everything else. One other thing this place does is put on seminars for Children and Youth programs to help other people who want to do what they are doing. They also put on horticultural seminars which I find is needed so much here. Many people need to be taught how to use their small plot of land to produce food they so desperately need. They call it F.A.I.T.H gardening Food Always In The Home. They are doing incredible things in this place and hopefully it spends far and wide.

Other then this I don't have much to report because I was out of commission for about 4 days with a nasty fever. Thursday afternoon I thought an alien (referring to the Alien movies) was going to come out of my stomach, it was so painful. But now I am better, so it's all good. Thank you again for keeping me in your prayers. May God Bless you richly, Take Care


1 comment:

  1. i thought your email was still rebel_14?? haha thats cool that the guard didn't come back and that he listened to you when you were speaking, that must have been an awesoem experience. also this self sufficient orphanage and horticultural education thing sounds super AWESOME, waht a cool idea.
    also... you were sick! be careful my friend, i plan on hanging out with you one day in the future! anyways miss you!
