Monday, January 11, 2010

2010? We must be living in the future now

Hello Everyone.

Sorry it's been a while since my last post. My Christmas was good but definitely different. On Christmas Eve we got invited to sing kareoke at our neighbours and we did that few a while, which was totally awesome. Then after that whole YM team and some friends got together at our team leader's house and had big meal together. Then on Christmas Day John and I were invited to a team members house for the afternoon and some of their family was there also.

Then on the 26th John and I got a chance to go to the beach for the week and that very very nice. Really got to rest and relax. It's always great to get out of the city especially for a country boy like me. We even got to go for a nice hike in the jungle and saw some monkey's which was wicked sweet. So we were there for New Years and we went to where the people gathered and they put on an amazing 30 min fireworks show. Although once we got back we were told was dinky compared to what happened here in Manila. They said the fireworks here in the city were going on for an hour and a half in every direction, just abosulte choas.

Then once we got back to the City it was meetings meetings and more meetings. We had meeting for our Church to figure out our driection and our ministries for the year. Also meetings for our YM team and our plans for the coming year. We really feel God is going to do big things in our community and through paternships this year. We just need to need to humble ourselves and totally summit ourselves before God in order for there to be change. Because without God we are nothing. On top of my youth leader role I have become the Sunday School teacher, it's only between 5-10 children each week but I always need a translator because my tagalog in still really poor. We had our first youth get together on saturday, it was a pretty poor showing (and so was our Church service on Sunday) which can get frustrating but I'm trying my best not to get defeated and just power through. Just keep praying for God to change the Hearts of the kids and Church attenders. If you have any questions or commets please feel free to do so.

Take Care and God Bless



  1. I am happy to hear you enjoyed your Christmas Jared. Happy New Year!

  2. Hey Jared, glad you got to relax on the beach! I pray that God will use you to bless the people at your church, and if I was in Manilla and i knew YOU were my sunday school teacher, i would go EVERY sunday! miss you my friend!

  3. Hey Jared!
    Put pictures up on your blog! Haha or too lazy?

    Anyways, hope the weather is good still. It's freeeeeeeeeezing here, but at least that's good for the snowboarding aspect.

    Don't be discouraged about the number of people who show up at the ministries. Think of Mark 6:35-44 --> we're not required to produce results, but to give our best. I'm sure that the disciples were thinking, "Gosh, how the heck is this small amount of bread and fish going to feed anybody?" But they still gave it to Jesus in faith, and Jesus did with it what he wanted. So just keep walking Jared; focus on His call and remember that we're just messengers and He will and intends to do the rest.

  4. That is awesome Jared. Keep it up. The Leafs suck, the Eageles didn't make it to division finals; the world out here hasn't changed too much.
