Thursday, December 3, 2009

Finally Got out Of The City

Well on saturday we had another youth event but the turn out wasn't very good but I feel it went really well. Other people in the Church have been doing some evangelizing with a group of boys just outside of their homes and hopefully they will start coming out to youth.

Sunday afternoon IT tender ministries took a group of 13 kids from the one squatter communities to the zoo. So I joined with them and helped out with not losing any of them. Also tried to give them the best time possible. That was a lot of fun.

This week we got to get out of the concrete jungle of Manila and it was very refreshing. You don't have to leave the city very far before you get into some beautiful landscapes. First we went to a place called Botolan, where it was devastated by one of the typhoons that happened this fall. The whole city had to be relocated and now are living in tents, it was pretty crazy to see. So Monday the youth mobilization team helped out with a medical mission that was happening, my job was to help the dentist. Only by cleaning their instruments and preparing the needles, sadly, I wish I could have done some root canals or something sweet like that. Although I did get to hold a few jaws in place when teeth were getting pulled which was a strange experience. Then the next day we held a small Christmas Party for the children. We sang some songs, put on a little skit, shared the Christmas story, gave out gifts, and a small meal. Just over 300 kids where there.

On Tuesday afternoon we left for Kanawan which is a small village that is a 15 min hike from the closest road. So that was a really awesome experience, and the people there are so amazing. We had brought some things along and all the kids helped us carry the supplies up the hill, they were all so eager to help. So in the morning we put on the same program as the day before and there were about 150 kids that day. Then after they put on some tribal garb and showed us some traditional dances, which was real cool.

So now I am back in Manila and Christmas is all the talk. Filipinos take Christmas to the extreme so December is going to be a crazy month. With everyone wanting to have Christmas Parties. This Saturday we are attending the IT Tender Christmas Party, the 16 we have one, the 17th we have 2, the 18th is our Church's, the 19th we have a kids one (300 is our target) in the morning and the youth one in the afternoon. Then a YM one on the 23rd and a get together on the 24th. Also for the next 2 Fridays our Church is going to be putting on a night service because of Christmas.

Thanks again for all the prayers and support. take care and God Bless



  1. Dr. Jared Peter Redekop, MD

  2. Hey this is from Jenn's account but it's Kate!
    i would have let you drill my teeth, any day!
    also what are you doing on the actual day of Christmas!? you have parties everyday before but are you doing something for the actual day? anyways my friend miss you!
