Monday, September 28, 2009


Dear Friends and Family,

As many of you already know, I will be going to the Philippines with International Teams for a year-long internship. I will be leaving early November and will be working under the umbrella of Youth Mobilization in urban poor ministries in Manila (the capital of the Philippines). Some things I will be doing include: helping with children’s programs at a young Church, Vacation Bible Schools, medical and hygiene ministries, and volunteering at a drop-in center for street youth and children of which come from broken homes and struggle with various addictions mainly sniffing glue.

I will need your help in this upcoming journey of mine. Financially, I have been very blessed and am committed to covering my own expenses. It’s your prayers that I need. Prayers of strength and courage while I’m living in a new setting and spreading the Gospel of Jesus. I need prayers of wisdom and knowledge to know where and how to serve the Lord best within the IT ministries and prayers to use my gifts to their full potential for the Glory of God. Most of all I need prayers for the gift of being able to speak the language, Tagalog (the language of the Philippines) so I can communicate with the people I will be working with and serving.

Even though my financial needs are taken care of, I would still really like to invite you to be part of my ministry financially. My goal is $20 000. Because my needs are taken care of, your financial support will go directly to the ministries that so desperately need your help. They will include the ministries that I have mentioned above. As well, at the moment, my ministry colleagues are preparing for Christmas parties. The parties will be held in early December in various squatter communities that we serve. You can donate on the Internet at or send cheques to International teams at 1 Union Street, Elmira, ON, N3B 3J9 (unless you have an USA address then go to and the physical address is 411 W. River Road Elgin, IL 60123)

Thank you very much. May God Bless you richly

1 comment:

    This is very exciting.
    I am behind you 100%.
    Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.
    This is better than college, anyday.
    Prayers and passion,
