Monday, May 31, 2010

Rainy Season

Well there have been a few rains in the last week and people are saying that the rainy season is here in which I'm pretty pumped because that means it should cools down. Also we can start quoting Forrest Gump now, "One day it started raining, and it didn't quit for four months. We been through every kind of rain there is. Little bitty stingin' rain... and big ol' fat rain. Rain that flew in sideways. And sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from underneath. Shoot, it even rained at night...". But it does have it's downfalls, as in sometimes the ministries shut down because it is raining too much. Also it can turn into Typhoons which can bring major flooding and do a lot of property damaging. So it will be a lot different for me because I come from Ontario where natural disasters happen next to never.

The youth has been going really well. I have really stepped back and let the older youth of the Church take charge and they are doing a great job. The first Saturday I was back from my trip there was 20 youth that showed up to the event and some that I had not seen before. The event was held at our Church and it was organized really well. Very encouraging. This past Saturday we had a movie viewing at our Church and there was a good turn out again. We watched Blindside, which is a great movie.

Our children's feeding (ministry) is going really awesome as well. We had 75 kids come out on Saturday which is a all time high. It gets a little crazy but it's really sweet to see so many kids come. Then on Sunday we had almost 30 kids in our Sunday School class. Also with this I want to give a shout out to Stratford, Ontario for their one and only Justin Bieber because all of the kids here love singing his songs. Justin's songs are downloaded on everyone's cell phones and every is jamming to him right now. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

Back on the 17th we took a group of 15 kids to Tagaytay which is a beautiful area about an hour outside the city. Its great to get the kids outside the city for a break from the streets. It was a park like area with a beautiful view of a volcano. It also had horses in which we rented and let the kids ride them. They had a great time.

On Sunday we held a dinner for a cause at our Church that was a great success. There were about 50 people who came out to support. The fundraiser was for Youth Mobalization in which are planning 2 different missions trips. One is to help out a Church that is about 3 hours away in which we have a partnership with. I am planning on going with this one. It is happening at the end of July. The other one is at the end of October and they are planning on going to Cambodia.

Thanks for all your prayers. May God Bless you all.



  1. Jared. Fans of Justin Bieber are called "Beliebers" FYI. I never knew people could get bieber fever out in the 'Pines. Have fun, brother.

  2. ahaha beliebers
    have you donwloaded him onto your phone? i wouldnt be surprised if you had,
    do you ever get mudslides because of all the rain?
    warm rains are really nice, so i hope you have lots of those
    and no cold ones!
    sounds like all of your ministries are getting bigger, i remember earlier blogs where like 10 kids would show up, so thts pretty amazing!
    i miss you my friend!
