Thursday, February 25, 2010

Updates and a Request

We finished our sports fest yesterday and it was a total success. All of the teams had a really great time and for the finals we even had some fans come out, which was good to see. Our Church finished 2nd and we put up a good fight for 1st but couldn't quite pull it off, maybe next year.

On Saturday IT Tender took 10 kids (from the night life night ministry, which means they are homeless) to a children's Museum in Manila and which I went with them. It was a really awesome time, the museum was really well done with loads of fun things to do. They even had a performance of cultural dances and music. The kids had so much fun and it is really great to see them with smiles on their faces. You can see some photos on my facebook, I was tagged in some. After the museum we went to the park and played there for a bit and then had picnic which is always sweet.

On Sunday our Church celebrated it's 2nd anniversary in which we had big party for it. We had our service outside so more people could come. There were performances by the children and youth and even had games during the service. We made loads of food for a dinner after the service which was great. I am positive that everyone had a great time.

The Request that I have is that IT Tender is putting on a youth camp for the youth from their ministries and they want to bring 25 or more youth. The youth are either homeless or squatters and have never experienced a camp of any kind. It will be running from march 9-11 and they need about $1500 to make this happen. So I ask for your donations and prayers as we prepare for this camp.

Once again I thank all of you for your love, prayers and support. May God Bless all of you.


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